As promised, here’s the second recommended wish list if you’re looking for some service opportunities (especially ones that you can fulfill from your desk at home) this advent!
I adore the Transanta Project, and I’ve fulfilled wish list letters with them for a few years now.
From their website:
“Transanta is a mutual aid project that connects anonymous gift-givers with trans youth who are unhoused, in foster care, or otherwise without crucial support they need to thrive.
Transanta exists to show trans youth that they are loved and supported, and that they have a family of people around the world who care for them, believe in them, and want them to succeed.
Research shows that trans youth with supportive families have a 52% decrease in suicidal thoughts—Transanta aims to broaden our understanding of family and structural support so that our entire community can experience affirmation and love even when those close to them may hurt or fail them.”
You can check out the Transanta registry grid and give to whoever’s list most sparks your joy. Needless to say cats are some FIERCE trans allies so I often go in for pet supply lists!
But just to make it easier for you: I’ve gone through and found the lists with between $0 or less than $100 gifted so that we can make sure every young person who submitted a list gets some wishes met!
Larry, who has lived in a refugee camp for 3 years, is asking for help getting binders.
Louis, a full-time wheelchair user, reallllly wants Jennette McCurdy’s memoir I’m Glad My Mom Died.
Charli, a homeless two spirit youth, needs food, clothes and shoes to get through another Alaskan winter. They have also put items on their list for their siblings in foster care.
Stefan just aged out of foster care and dreams of becoming an artist. Let’s get them art supplies!
Or Julie, in Alaska, who is interested in an array of axes. And for good reason!
Leo is excited to try chest compression products on their wishlist.
Reese loves Manga and I love that.
Mika wisely wishes for gift cards.
Charly in Alaska needs pet supply help!
Let’s get Rae these binocs!
THANK YOU for being YOU.